- antinovel
- n лит. антироман
English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.
English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.
antinovel — [an′tī näv΄əl; an′tēnäv΄əl, an′tinäv΄əl] n. [transl. of Fr antiroman, term coined by SARTRE Jean Paul] a work of prose fiction in which such characteristics of the traditional novel as character development, the realistic description of society,… … English World dictionary
Antinovel — An antinovel is any experimental work of fiction that avoids the familiar conventions of the novel. The term was coined by the French philosopher and critic Jean Paul Sartre.The antinovel usually fragments and distorts the experience of its… … Wikipedia
antinovel — noun Date: 1958 a work of fiction that lacks most or all of the traditional features of the novel • antinovelist noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
antinovel — antinovelist, n. /an tee nov euhl, an tuy /, n. a literary work in which the author rejects the use of traditional elements of novel structure, esp. in regard to development of plot and character. [1955 60; ANTI + NOVEL1] * * * Type of avant… … Universalium
antinovel — noun A novel that deliberately avoids the typical conventions of the novel, such as a coherent plot and protagonist … Wiktionary
antinovel — n. literary form which is opposed to the traditional form of the novel … English contemporary dictionary
antinovel — an·ti·novel … English syllables
antinovel — an•ti•nov•el [[t]ˈæn tiˌnɒv əl, ˈæn taɪ [/t]] n. lit. a piece of prose fiction lacking elements of novel structure, as plot or character development • Etymology: 1955–60 an′ti•nov el•ist, n … From formal English to slang
antinovel — /ˈæntinɒvəl/ (say anteenovuhl) noun a novel in which the traditional approach to such aspects as plot, form, character, etc., is deliberately rejected …
antinovel — n. a novel in which the conventions of the form are studiously avoided. * * * antinovelist, n. /an tee nov euhl, an tuy /, n. a literary work in which the author rejects the use of traditional elements of novel structure, esp. in regard to… … Useful english dictionary
Sarraute, Nathalie — orig. Nathalie Ilyanova Tcherniak born July 18, 1900, Ivanova, Russia died Oct. 19, 1999, Paris, France French novelist and essayist. She practiced law until с 1940, when she became a full time writer. Tropismes (1939), a collection of sketches,… … Universalium